Block Parties
There are many ways that a neighborhood and its residents can create a strong sense of
community. One important way is by utilizing tools such as a Neighborhood Watch program to
decrease opportunities for criminals to commit crimes. Another way is to make use of events such as a block party.
community. One important way is by utilizing tools such as a Neighborhood Watch program to
decrease opportunities for criminals to commit crimes. Another way is to make use of events such as a block party.
Block parties are an excellent opportunity for neighbors to get together, meet one another, have fun, and maybe work together on a common activity, such as an alley clean-up or helping a neighbor that is in need. The City encourages its residents to have block parties, which can vary in size and activities. If you wish to close a street for a block party, you simply fill out and submit a Block Party Permit Application to the Community Development Department. You will need
signatures from at least 51% of the homeowners that will be impacted by the street closure. The permit will then be reviewed and approved by City staff. You will receive an approval letter with instructions that the Department of Public Services will drop off barricades on Friday afternoon, so that the Block Party organizer can use them to close the street and then return them to the edge of the street when the party is complete. The barricades will then be picked up by the Department of Public Services on Monday. As long as the block party is taking place on a local, residential street, there is no fee for having the party.
signatures from at least 51% of the homeowners that will be impacted by the street closure. The permit will then be reviewed and approved by City staff. You will receive an approval letter with instructions that the Department of Public Services will drop off barricades on Friday afternoon, so that the Block Party organizer can use them to close the street and then return them to the edge of the street when the party is complete. The barricades will then be picked up by the Department of Public Services on Monday. As long as the block party is taking place on a local, residential street, there is no fee for having the party.
Thank you to everyone for making Mount Clemens
a safe and attractive place to live, work and visit.