Purchasing FAQ's

What is the process for submitting a bid to the City of Mount Clemens?
The City of Mount Clemens is now part of an organization called Michigan Inter-governmental Trade Network (MITN), a group of agencies that joined forces to create a Regional Bid Notification System to notify companies of new bid opportunities partnering with IPT (Interactive Procurement Technologies) by BidNet. All bids, quotations and proposals are now being posted online. All vendors are encouraged to visit www.mitn.info in order to register their company and gain access to new bids and proposals. By selecting automatic bid notification, your company will receive e-mails anytime the City (and all other participating agencies) has a bid opportunity that matches your company’s business. If you do not have internet access, please call 1-800-677-1997, extension 214 and speak to a representative at Bid-Net.

Are bid openings available to the public?
Yes, they are open to the public. Typically, they are available for viewing in the Mount Clemens Treasurer’s Office on Tuesdays at 9 a.m. The City of Mount Clemens publishes its bid opportunities on the MITN site, City Cable Television and on the City’s website.

Are bid tabulations public information, or do I need to file a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request?
Bid tabulations are public information. A FOIA request is not needed to access this information. Bid tabulations are available upon request. Call or e-mail the Purchasing Department to request a copy.

Is Mount Clemens City Commission approval needed before a bid will be awarded?
Yes, for those products or services in excess of $1,500.00.

Does the City of Mount Clemens charge a fee for plans and specifications for a given project?
Typically, there is no charge. There are occasions, however, when a minimal fee will be charged for large plans and/or sets of drawings for certain projects.