Policy on Sewer Back-ups (Public Act 222)
- Main Office - 7:00am to 3:00pm Weekdays
(586) 469-6889 Ext. 502 - After Hours and Holidays Emergency Number
Sheriff (586) 469-5151
Public Act 222
In compliance with Public Act 222, if you experience an overflow or backup of the sewage disposal system, you must file a written claim with the City of Mount Clemens within 45 days after the overflow or back-up was discovered. Failure to provide the required notice will prevent recovery of damages.
To receive a Notice of Claim form, please contact the City of Mount Clemens Utilities Department at (586) 469-6889 Ext. 502 or by mail at Mount Clemens Utilities Department, 1750 Clara, Mount Clemens, MI 48043.