Bill Pay
Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Water appointment call 586-469-6800; ext. 502
Billing questions or Final Bills call 586-469-6800; ext. 303, 304
Payment questions or shut off status call 586-469-6800; ext. 322, 323
Final readings must be scheduled with the Accounting Department. To schedule a Final Bill, please give 24 hours’ notice and have New Owner or Tenant information available. When Final Bills are processed, please ensure to cancel registered accounts through Invoice Cloud.
To enroll in paperless billing register your account through our on-line payment portal, Invoice Cloud or call the Treasurer's Office at 586-469-6800; ext. 322, 323
Q. When will I get my water bill?
A. Residents will now receive their water bills Monthly.
Payments are due on the 10th of each month.
Q. What are the water rates in the City?
A. The water and sewer rates in the City are as follows:
Water $5.79 per unit
Sewer $7.15 per unit
You are billed water and sewer charges for each unit of water you use.
Q. How much water is a unit?
A. Each unit is 100 cubic feet or 748 gallons.
Q. Why am I paying service charges when there is no usage?
A. Every household is billed for service charges whether usage occurs or not - even if the water has been turned off. These charges fund the maintenance and upkeep of the water and sewage systems.
Q. Where can I pay my water bill in person? A. You may pay your bill at the Treasurer's Office located on the 1st floor of City Hall, One Crocker Boulevard. Office hours are Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Or you may use the after-hours drop box located across from the Gazebo.
Q. Can I set up a payment plan on my water bill?
A. Yes, please contact the Treasurers’ office to set up a payment plan. You will however receive a 5% penalty on any outstanding balance after the due date.
Q. Why is my water bill so high?
A. Consult Do You Have a Toilet Leak? Most high-bill complaints are due to leaks inside the home.
Q. How do I check for leaks?
A. Consult Do You Have a Toilet Leak? You may also read your meter at night and check it first thing in the morning before using any water. If any numbers have changed you have a leak. Contact a plumber immediately. The City of Mount Clemens cannot adjust bills due to water leaks.
Q. My meter is in my house, how does the City know how much water I used?
A. The City has installed radio-reading devices to most homes which will transmit the reading to the Water Department at the time of billing.
Q. Where is my water meter located and how do I read it?
A. Your water meter is in the basement near an outside wall. If you do not have a basement, it's usually near the hot water heater or under the kitchen sink. It has six digits, which are read left to right.
Q. Can I obtain a second meter for outdoor use?
A. Yes. You may purchase a second meter through our Community Development Department, 586-469-6800 ext. 3
Q. When I fill my swimming pool, can I call in my meter reading to avoid the sewage charges?
A. Yes. Please call 586-469-6800 ext. 502 with the reads of your meter at the beginning and end of your pool filling.
If you are a homeowner and need help paying your water bill, you can contact the Michigan Homeowners Assistance Fund at 844-756-4423 or
**Failure to receive a water bill does not waive late fee obligations
**Payments must be received by the due date to avoid late fees and account delinquency may result in water shut off
**All returned payments are subject to a $25.00 processing fee
**Unpaid bills become a lien on the property and will be added to the summer and/or winter tax bills with a 15% fee.