Privacy Policy

The information contained on this web site is subject to periodic updates, deletions and additions without prior notice.  While accuracy is always a goal, the City assumes no legal liability or responsibility with respect to the completeness and accuracy of the information, including any errors or omissions.

The City of Mount Clemens logo is the property of the City and its reproduction and use is strictly prohibited.

Linking Policy

  • General Policies:
    Links and pointers are solely for the user’s information and must be consistent with purpose of the site. Links to the external websites (leaving the City website) are subject to privacy and security policies of the owner of the external website.The link does not represent an endorsement for the external site’s product, service or the entity in general.  The City is not responsible for content or the availability of any external resource.
  • Reverse Links:
    Permissions to link to the City website is not required, but be aware that the page you link to may change without notice.  Sites linking to city web pages should periodically verify those links for accuracy.Any link to the City website does not imply a relationship or expressed relationship with the City.
  • Advertising:
    No advertising is permitted on the City website.